Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Issue 2

Improving the Applicability of Social Media Toxic Comments Prediction Across Diverse Data Platforms Using Residual Self-Attention-Based LSTM Combined with Transfer Learning

Jiahuai Ma
Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Florida, Florida, 32608, USA;
Zhaoyan Zhang
Beijing Kwai Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing, 100085, China
Kaixian Xu
Risk & Quant Analytics, BlackRock, New Jersey, 10001, USA
Yu Qiao
Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Washington, 98109, USA

Published 2022-08-10


  • Social media toxic comments prediction,
  • Transfer learning,
  • machine learning,
  • Residual connection

How to Cite

Ma, J., Zhang, Z., Xu, K., & Qiao, Y. (2022). Improving the Applicability of Social Media Toxic Comments Prediction Across Diverse Data Platforms Using Residual Self-Attention-Based LSTM Combined with Transfer Learning. Optimizations in Applied Machine Learning, 2(1). Retrieved from https://journal.mri-pub.com/index.php/OAML/article/view/79


Toxic comments on social media, often involving hate speech and insults, pose significant challenges for online safety. While many studies have focused on detecting toxic comments within a single platform, cross-platform toxicity prediction remains underexplored. This task is particularly challenging due to linguistic differences and varying user behaviors across platforms, which reduce the effectiveness of models trained on one dataset when applied to another. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a Residual Self-Attention-Based LSTM framework with transfer learning. The model is first trained on a large source dataset (Twitter) and then fine-tuned on a smaller target dataset (YouTube). Residual connections ensure smooth gradient flow, while self-attention captures critical contextual features. Transfer learning enables the model to adapt to platform-specific nuances without retraining from scratch. Experiments show that the proposed approach significantly improves generalization across platforms, achieving higher precision, recall, and F1-scores compared to baseline methods. These results highlight the potential of combining advanced deep learning techniques with transfer learning for cross-platform toxicity detection, providing a foundation for future research in this area.


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